GA4GH Beacon v2 at GA4GH Plenary
Evolving Reference Standard for Genomic Data Exchange
GA4GH 8th Plenary¶
Gary Saunders, Jordi Rambla de Argila, Anthony Brookes, Juha Törnroos and Michael Baudis¶
For the ELIXIR Beacon project, GA4GH Discovery work stream and the international network of Beacon API developers¶
The Beacon driver project was one of the earliest initiatives of the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health with the Beacon v1.0 API as first approved GA4GH standard. Version 2 of the protocol is slated to provide fundamental changes, towards a Internet of Genomics foundational standard: * requests beyond genomic variants ("filters") * payload responses, secured through open AAI * aligning w/ GA4GH standards (Phenopackets, VRS, DUO...) through SchemaBlocks {S}[B] * Working with international partners on deployment of advanced implementations